Love Yourself Too

This time of year brings a mix of emotions for many. Celebrating love by recognizing Valentine’s Day has become quite a popular excuse to display extra ways of showing affection…

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What is Okay?

Lately, I’ve heard a lot of commentary about how it’s “okay to not be okay.” I agree with the expression, but feel it would be more complete to add “but…

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Living Between the Lines

There is a fine line between being inclusive of others and respecting boundaries. Equally, there is a fine line between listening to another without opinion, and offering a different perspective.…

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Mastering Patience

From the time you were young you no doubt heard many instances of “be patient,” “wait your turn” or “in a minute.” In an ever-evolving world of “get in now,”…

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The Fountain of Life

Do you have a nickname? Has someone given you a “pet name” that represents your actions or behavior? Recently a friend said she looked at me and thought, “she’s like…

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Purge and Purify

You’ve heard the term “spring cleaning.” That’s when you start cleaning out things you’ve thrown into a room, closet or other storage space—things you’re not ready to let go of,…

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Inside the Stillness

The word stillness, or variations thereof, has been used to invoke a change of behavior—“stop that, be still,” “the crowd grows still, unmoving when watching parts of the tennis match…

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