Why Be Present?

For the past decade or so there has been an increase in curiosity on the topic of “being present” and the light it has shed on having a better quality…

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The Way Out Is to Go In

We have all experienced going outside of ourselves to find answers that give us pleasure, relief, knowledge, entertainment and freedom from simply being, or from what binds or suppresses us.…

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The Power of NOW

Did you know the word “now” is used 1,323 times in the Bible? What is the significance of NOW? The definitions of this word are “at once,” “immediately,” “at the…

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How Healthy Are You?

Photo courtesy of Jessica Lewis Creative / Pexels What does it mean to be healthy? Is it how fit, strong, muscular or “in shape” you are? Is it defined by…

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The Ripple Effect

Photo courtesy of Tim Mossholder / Pexels Where does it start? Where does it end? Does it end? Is it ongoing? How we act, what we say, our presence, what…

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