Take Charge of Your Life

Often we hear the sentiments “take care,” “be careful,” “be well” or even “be safe.” How often do you hear “take charge”? When we take charge of our lives, our…

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Think Less. Feel More.

Photo courtesy of Nikolaos Dimou / Pexels Have you ever gotten so lost in thinking about something that you found yourself in a mental whirlwind where you couldn’t seem to…

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Stay in the Moment

How do you feel when you are in the middle of telling a story and your audience, whether an individual or group, looks away because something caught their attention? I…

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Mirror, Mirror

Photo courtesy of Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels Have you ever been to one of the funhouse mirrors or carnival mazes where there are many types of mirrors that distort how…

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What Are You Willing to Pay?

Photo courtesy of Gerd Altmann / Pexels Do you feel there is too much emphasis placed on high-performance athletes and high-priced entertainers? I’ve often thought that society’s view of this…

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Altering Up

Photo courtesy of Alexas Fotos / Pexels I believe we can alter the course of our life at any moment. Every day holds thousands of moments that influence us to…

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Embrace Change

Photo courtesy of AlexasFotos / Pexels This time of year our focus tends to shift to thoughts of gatherings that bring loved ones together. It can also be a difficult…

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