Living Like New

Living like new

I recently saw a video where a man was given a gift of being able to see “in color” for the first time. The gift was a pair of specialty…

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You’ve heard the term before. To most it means to “stay” local instead of travel for vacation, to take time off from work and normal life activities and be a…

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Put It On Pause


Have you ever just wanted to hit the pause button on the control panel of your life? Perhaps the rewind or slow motion option? Or fast forward to get to…

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Words to Love By

Words to Love by

What is it that can keep a marriage together for 74 years? Not just being married, but being adored, honored and respected by each other? According to Murfreesboro’s most precious…

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Get Grounded

Tree at dawn

While considering my business theme for the new year, the word “grounded” came to mind. The word by itself resonated with ideals I want to weave into my business and…

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Hug, Anyone?

Monkey Hugs

There are all kinds of ways to communicate. Hugging is my favorite. It represents a gesture for greeting or parting with a friend or loved one. It can be a…

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What If?

What if?

Have you ever considered the “what if’s” of life? Most likely you have. We all have. What is life like on the other side of “what if”? Have you allowed…

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