A Higher Purpose

During a recent meditation session I was thinking about the special talents of people. Some people are gifted with the ability to write, to speak, to motivate, to be conversational,…

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The Essence of Love

Love can feel like many things all at once. Love can come unexpectedly—whether it’s at the moment you discover something new or over an extended, ripening period of time. The…

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Follow It Through

Are there things in your life that just keep getting buried deeper and deeper? Are there ideas that just get put “on the shelf” until a more opportune time? It…

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Confident Living

Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to have an air of confidence about them? Others are drawn to them, want to be in their presence. They have…

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The Dance of Life

Are you living with intention? Are you doing the things you’ve thought about, dreamed about, planned out? If you haven’t quite made it there or have started then stopped, don’t…

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3 Keys to Happiness

Have you ever had a dream or a goal that you felt happy about having accomplished? I have achieved many goals in life, and there has certainly been a feeling…

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Existence With Harmony

Over several decades I have had the privilege of exploring, studying and applying a variety of natural therapies. One in particular that I am fond of is known as Breema.…

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